Our students’ blogs full of sample texts and links
Achieving Proficiency markaki-literature.blogspot.gr
The page for all test takers; click on “ECPE”
Sample essays from the writing section: corrected by trained raters
On this blog:
ECPE WRITING TIPS: link list about the writing section
Online tests:
Free grammar quiz on examenglish.com
Free reading, cloze, grammar and vocabulary tests on Fullspate
On www.fullspate.net:
An overview of the Michigan ECPE exam
Free online reading, cloze, grammar and vocabulary tests
Advice on the new speaking test
ECPE Survival Guide: advice concerning all sections
Finally, there is an incredibly interesting article on Fullspate named The Greek Proficiency Mania which refers to the rush of most Greek students to get this much coveted degree at too early an age. It also points out the need to enjoy the learning procedure and take your time through it, without trying ‘to run before you can walk’. Most importantly, it highlights the need to do a degree in English at university in case your dream is to teach the language.