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In A' Junior(en), english-post

This is the picture that George Xenikakis, a truly special A’ Junior student, drew to depict his dream job which, admittedly, is not so common! What we did next was to visit the well-known website www.thedreammosaic.org and upload the drawing there in order for it to form part of the wider collection of children’s dreams worldwide. In this drawing, George is picturing himself as a paleontologist who measures the bones of some recently excavated dinosaurs. In case you are interested in finding out where George’s picture stands in the global dream mosaic, you can visit the site and then click on Europe, Greece.


  1. Thank you for posting this wonderful article about George's participation in The Dream Mosaic. His artwork is now posted – the first from Greece! Please help spread the word so more children can share their dream artwork – we're just getting started.

    Dream on!

  2. The first artwork from Greece? What a wonderful surprise! As I wrote on your Facebook wall, thank you for taking that unique initiative and uniting so many children's dreams into a global one! Our school will be happy to upload more drawings in order to contribute even more to that creative project. Besides, we all need to follow your advice and …. 'dream on'!

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