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In A' Class(en), C2 Proficiency(en), english-post

This is a video created last year to thank Patricia Johnston for her wonderful presents to the school (read more). In this version, Patricia has added some titles and improved the quality of the sound. You can also find the video posted on the Kids’ Factory blog.

What is more, Patricia, a resident of Paris, has introduced me to Aniella Lebeau, a most kind and cooperative teacher of English in France who is willing to help her students correspond with mine in the following weeks. Topics and methods to be employed are currently under discussion. In the meanwhile, you can visit Aniella’s excellent class blog and taste some of the topics she deals in class.

Since France and its people have so deeply penetrated in my life and since I am determined to feel like a beginner again as Barbara Hoskins- Sakamoto recommends on her blog, I have taken up French myself, my teacher being Sotiria Kritikopoulou, who also happens to be an ECPE student of mine! On top of all that, both of us have embarked on new blogging adventures by setting up two blogs, a French and an English one, to practise the languages more effectively.

Vivre la vie: My new blog where all teachers and students of French are welcome.

Sotiria’s Learning Journey:  Sotiria’s blog where students of English can leave their comments to participate in the discussion and encourage the timid blogger to start writing!

The only thing left to say is… à bientôt! Please stay tuned for more ‘French’ news!

The eternal learner,



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