Emily’s Journey in the history of Heraklion

Gold Award for our educational platform in the ELT Excellence Awards: The main platform features

European Writers Day on 25/3

Creativity by young learners

Book& film club 2023

Halloween 2023

Summer courses 2023

Summer farewell party & gifts May 2023

Superb end-of-year activities!

Easter STEM 2023 for young and intermediate learners

Sketchnotes and B2 writing

Carnival fun and associated role-playing games

Magical learning in all age groups!

Exciting Christmas events for all age groups

Creativity in all language levels

Learning the alphabet

Amazing start-of-the-year activities 2022-23

Distinctions and initiatives during the school year 2021-22

End-of-year creativity!

Amazing Mother’s Day creations!

Easter fun!

Creativity in the junior classes

Supporting peace unconditionally

Practising critical thinking along with new vocabulary: Gender roles, the environment, word revision

The Human Library Project

B’ junior and Winnie the Pooh

The Chinese New Year Zoom events

For our little Valentines!