Practising critical thinking along with new vocabulary: Gender roles, the environment, word revision

Carnival activities for all levels

A junior online fun!

A scavenger hunt regarding new and old technology

B’ junior and Winnie the Pooh

The Chinese New Year Zoom events

(Black) Women in science!

Happy start of the school year!

Gold Creativity Award in ELT Excellence Awards 2021

All student projects- product of the school’s YouTube series

Creative video projects!

Fun online activities

B’ Junior: We love our pets!

The B’ Junior learns about the oceans!

New B2-C2 Padlet project on grit

Comic creativity with exam groups

Video apps, creativity and consolidation

New video projects based on a brand new YouTube episode!

Poetry projects by A’ and B’ Class

Mock tests before May 2021 exams

Easter event for the younger students

Easter event for intermediate classes

Easter crafts by our young learners

Save the planet!

Let’s play the “would you rather” game!

Creating with Easter and Spring poems with the Juniors

Cooperative learning through poetry

New episode of our YouTube series: Creativity With Poetry